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English MCQs: Past Tense Practice set for govt job exams

English exam is one of the most common exam in Govt job exams. And if you’re preparing for any job especially the lucrative central govt jobs – whether it’s Railways, SSC, UPSC, or State PSC – then you must prepare well for English Exam. Here I’m providing you some easy and some tough MCQ questions

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English MCQs: Present Tense Practice set for govt job exams

Want to test your preparation for govt job exams like SSC, UPSC, State PSC, banking, and railways? Try this English MCQ test for present tense and letā€™s see how many questions can you get. In many job exams, questions are asked from English tenses so practicing these following questions will give you an idea of

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English MCQs: Future Tense Practice set for govt job exams

Future tense can be very confusing to understand in govt job exams. Because it’s not only about the future but also about planned action and a lot of things. If you’re preparing for job exams like Banks, SSC, state PSC, then this practice set of 20 MCQ questions can help you understand where you stand